Instant Market
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Market Instant - Indodax Academy

Instant Market is the process of buying/selling crypto assets in a flash/instant using the best price from the Order Book, in becoming a Market Taker. Traders who trade Bitcoin using this method will usually incur higher transaction fees, and get worse prices than when they were Market Takers. But the advantage of this method is that they can hold/release the Bitcoin without waiting for the order to be executed and this usually helps when the volatility of the crypto asset price is high.

Instant execution is an order that is executed at the last price you saw. This is of course very different from market execution which applies the final price to the broker. By taking advantage of this instant execution, you have complete control over where your position will be placed.

However, in the process, the price of course continues to change, especially when the market is volatile. Therefore, brokers that use instant execution usually apply the deviation as a limit to price changes. If the price moves beyond the deviation, the broker will notify you that a requote will occur.

The main advantage of instant execution is that you can actually get the exact price position. For example, if you see EUR/USD at the level of 1.07447, it is at that level that the price will be executed instantly.

The main disadvantage of instant execution in forex is when market volatility is high. You will lose the opportunity to get the position you want. This can happen because when volatility is high, the price will move very quickly, so most likely, all your instant executions will get a Requote message from the broker.

Instant Market

1. Buy

The instant market is the transaction at the best price in the order book. You can use this method to get your crypto spinning fast. Usually this method is used for traders or investors who want to immediately have crypto. Because it is different from the limit method which takes time until the crypto price is right or until someone buys it. Meanwhile, instant market purchases are made directly without waiting. The order book will find the best price for you using the instant market method. However, the instant market is subject to a transaction fee or transaction fee of 0.3%.

2. Sales

Likewise, when buying using the instant market, sales also look for the best price from the order book. Usually this method is used for those who want to immediately get profits or who want to cut losses. Unlike the limit method which has to wait a long time, instant sales immediately sell your crypto. Similar to buying, the limit method when selling crypto is also subject to a fee of 0.3%.

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