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Along with the times and the advancement of technology, more and more types of crime have emerged, one of which is cybercrime such as:

  1. Phishing
  2. Malware
  3. Ransomware

The rise of cybercrime that has occurred recently requires us to be more concerned and have knowledge in order to maintain our digital financial experience.

Phishing is the official term for cyber crime, it comes from the word fishing, which means fishing. This is because this activity is intended to lure people into providing their personal information voluntarily without realizing it. Then, the information shared will be used for criminal purposes.

In other words, is an attempt to obtain information in the form of someone’s data by using phishing techniques. The data that is the main target is personal data, such as name, age, address, account data such as usernames and passwords, as well as financial data, such as credit card and bank account information.

The most common type of phishing today is email phishing. As the name implies, this type uses email media to reach potential victims. Furthermore, there is also what is called spear phishing. In contrast to email, instead of using massive email delivery with random potential victims, spear phishing targets specific potential victims. So, be careful!

Not only that, there is also a type called whaling. Well, this whaling is a type that not only targets individuals specifically, but also individuals who have high authority in an organization, such as business owners, company directors, personnel managers, and others.

The last type is web phishing, which is an attempt to use fake websites to trick potential victims. Websites intended to do this will look similar to the official website and also use a similar domain name to trick victims.

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